Friday, 4 March 2011

World Book Night in Trafalgar Square

Se siete a Londra non perdetevela!

World Book Night celebrations will start today at 6pm with the biggest single literary event in history, in London's Trafalgar Square.
On the eve of World Book Night itself - described as the biggest book give-away ever - a host of celebrities including John Le Carre, Rupert Everett and Nick Cave will give readings and performances of books in an event hosted by Telegraph columnist and BBC star Graham Norton.
Authors will be "reading from books they love" and organisers described it as being set to be "a historic and highly enjoyable occasion and a glittering celebration of the written word."
Access to the Trafalgar Square event is from 5pm - and the show runs for two hours from 6pm - and is expecetd to be attended by 5,000 World Book Night givers and more than 5,000 members of the public.
Numerous celebrated authors, including Alan Bennett, Edna O'Brien, Philip Pullman, Sarah Waters and Margaret Atwood, will be reading from their favourite books.

Organisers of World Book Night, which takes place on Saturday March 5, want 20,000 people to get involved as givers in the event where a million books will be handed out for free in Great Britain and Ireland.
Publisher Jamie Byng said: "We felt that it was appropriate to launch World Book Night with a suitably ambitious event that celebrates on a large scale writing, reading and the shared experience that books can provide.
"This occasion in Trafalgar Square should deliver exactly that and is a memorable way of bringing thousands of the givers together."
Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: "The ability to put pen to paper has given us the glorious capacity to share experience, history and knowledge - and one of life's greatest pleasures, which is to read a book.
"World Book Night is a fantastic celebration of the written word, as well as our hardworking publishing sector, which I hope will stimulate latent as well as avid readers."
The Trafalgar Square event will be shown on BBC2 at 9.55pm.
There will be further events today at the Glasgow Film Theatre, The Redgrave THeatre in Bristol and at bookshops and libraries around the country.

World Book Night 2011 Events
Hundreds of festivities are taking place around the UK in honour of World Book
Night on 5 March, with one million books distributed for free by volunteers in the
largest book giveaway ever attempted.

[The Telegraph]


  1. Magnificoooooo! che voglia di esserci!!

  2. mi hai messo addosso una voglia matta di andarci!Buon we, un bacione....

  3. qui nel macropiccolo si organizza un sabato al mese un piccolissimo give-away in una libreria inglese... ma se penso a quel che mi sto perdendo questa sera mi vien da piangere!!!

  4. I'm so far away from London...and I cry, and I cry, and I cry.......

  5. Give? Book? England?? I'm packing a bag and going there, and I'll make a quick detour by Italy to kidnap you :P


  6. @ Auramaga: mi sto mangiando le dita anche io!!!

    @ Chiara: staqvolta lo abbiamo saputo un po' in ritardo, ma ci rifaremo ;-) Buon weekend anche a te!

    @ acquaviva: ooooh che meraviglia in give-away in una libreria inglese! Beh consolati... me lo sto perdendo anche io, piangiamo insieme!!!
    Però si può organizzare per il prossimo anno, sono sicura che la cosa andrà avanti ora che è iniziata!

    @ glufry: ma tu la devi smettere di vivere così lontano da tutti noi, ritornaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :P

    @ Zeb: Italy? Which Italy??? I'm in Gare du Nord, ruuuun!!!!

  7. Mannaggia!!
    Quanto mi piacerebbe essere a Londra!!
    Chissà se mi potrà capitare a breve!!
    Un bacione

  8. mi sa che è una valle di lacrime...:-((((

  9. @ Mammazan: appena riesci scappaaaa!!! :-)

    @ Ale: ho qui per l'occasione una confezione di kleenex formato famiglia (ma famiglia numerosa!) serviti pure ;-)

  10. una bella iniziativa vederne cosi, ottimo consiglio

  11. Ciao,a Londra c'ero,pero' ho lavorato fino alla mezzanotte.Considerando che lavoro 4 o 5 volte all'anno,e' proprio vero:la fortuna e' cieca ma la sfiga ci vede benissimo!
    A zut l'heure...

  12. @ Gunther: eh bisognerebbe prendere esempio!

    @ Edith: sempre a finire così! Che sfiga però eh!!! ;-)


Bischopswijn (e dei Natali in anticipo)